industrie reportages

zaterdag, 15 september 2018
industrie reportages

An encounter between the Dutch army commander and a Dutch motocross legend some years ago led to the most amazing story in acquisition and development in Dutch military history. Never before a contract was awarded to a company that did not...
maandag, 16 maart 2015
industrie reportages

IWA OutdoorClassics - the world-leading fair for Hunting Guns and Outdoor Equipment. That is how they call it, but in recent years the show in Neurenberg, Germany has seen a steady rise in law enforcement and tactical product on display. The...
maandag, 11 juli 2011

In between our editorial work we do for this website and magazines, we occasionally do some commercial work. All small scale and not really worth mentioning. But when some months ago we got a call if we were interested in doing film and...
zondag, 17 oktober 2004
industrie reportages

In september 2002 is in Duitsland de weg vrijgemaakt voor de ontwikkeling van de Puma. Dit is een compleet nieuw Infanterie Gevechtsvoertuig (IGV). Al is de kop van dit ambitieuze project er nog maar net af, onze oosterburen zijn zeker van hun...
dinsdag, 1 juni 2004
industrie reportages

Op 12 mei 2004 vond, op schietbaan 1 Alfa in Bergen-Hohne (Duitsland), de overdracht van het medium range antitankwapen (MRAT) Gill plaats. Directeur Materieel generaal-majoor Hans Teussink overhandigde, in aanwezigheid van staatssecretaris van...
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